
September 1, 2020

First time at a casino? Here’s what you need to know

Since you have decided to make your first voyage to a brick and mortar casino, you might be exhilarated. Along the same note, being to a casino might ring bells of uneasiness or curiosity about what to expect of the place.

The thought of uncertainty is quite understandable. Being a newbie to a place can be quiet intimidating. The first thing you might notice in the land casino would be that you would find yourself trapped in the pomp and show of a glamorous setting. You might then find different types of games, from slots and poker to blackjack and roulette. People of all kinds, those on a night out, bachelor parties, dressed up women, champagnes, beers, light-ups, and many more. All these forms the gist of what you would see on a night out in casinos. These are just commonplace experiences at a casino.

As a fresher to the casino halls, you would be both excited and tensed about where to start. First things first: Remember, you’re at the casino to have fun and never get overwhelmed at the new settings. Let’s now look at some of the must-know in your first visit.


Age restriction

This might not strike you at first. Depending on which country you might be traveling, the age restriction varies. In the US alone, different states allow different age groups ranging from 18-21. In Europe, the age bar is lifted from 18 years. You might be astonished to know that Greece has restricted the age group to 23!

Do your math, be sure you’re past the age, carry your IDs, or passports, and some transaction cards. Though you might be availing of online service, the server would make sure you’re of the legal age.

Follow rules

No big deal! You might say but sure does. Every brick and mortar casino has its own rule of the house. You better know them before you get kicked out for not keeping them. Dress codes, game rules, smoking, and drinking rules differ from place to place. All these depend on the place you visit.

Online casinos have their edge on this one, as neither dress code nor a bottle of beer in your hand doesn’t matter. Be sure to ask the housekeepers before you attempt a photograph with your mate in the casino. Knowing the rules and sticking to them is the key to a smooth visit.


Take your time and familiarise

Well, once you are in, have a good glance around the rooms. Don’t jump into games. Have a look at the tables, kind of people around with a plethora of gaming experience. The golden rule remains that you never get carried away by the glitz and colour everywhere. Stay focused while enjoying the fun around.

Researching your way may be intimidating at first. It’s always better to be a spectator at the games, observe each betting, and get to know its maths. Playing online is yet another way to get started. Get help from the casino staff as they would want you to have good gaming experience. The secret lies in familiarising yourself with the game and the surroundings.

About Rebecca R. Collins